PiP Mentorship Program

The PiP Mentorship Program pairs students and young professionals in Palestine (PiP Mentees) to experienced professionals and academics around the world (PiP Mentors). We pair mentors and mentees based on their field of expertise and interest, respectively. Through a series of virtual meetups, PiP Mentors will advise and support PiP Mentees in their field related questions. The program aims at advancing the future of Palestine and its economic and social recovery through external professional expertise and support.

How does it work?

The program will be launching in September 2021, and will run for 4 months, 3 times a year: The Fall cycle begins September through December; the Winter cycle begins January through April; and the Summer cycle begins May through August. We are accepting applications for the Fall 2021 cycle until August 23, 2021.


Apply as a Mentor
Students and professionals outside Palestine can volunteer their time to virtually connect one-on-one with their PiP Mentee and provide academic or professional advice based on their experience. Mentors can join PiP’s professional pool of mentors by filling out the application above.

As a PiP Mentor, you will:

  1. Help support mentees by providing guidance to address their key challenges in their professional journeys. 
  2. Draw from your experience by sharing strategies and best practices to support the mentee’s professional success.
  3. Develop your mentorship and leadership experience.
  4. Expand your network by meeting bright and highly skilled mentees in your professional field.


Apply as a Mentee
Students or young professionals living in Palestine can sign up to be matched with a PiP Mentor by filling out the application above.

As a PiP Mentee, you will:

  1. Work with your mentor to learn strategies and best practices to navigate your academic and/or professional journey.
  2. Connect with foreign experienced professionals and gain a new perspective of career and education options.
  3. Explore career paths and insights from an expert in your field.
  4. Expand your network by meeting experienced and highly skilled mentors in your professional field.